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Strong, secure Wi-Fi is absolutely vital for any business. As your business grows, so will your needs for Internet and Wi-Fi capable of supporting the fast-paced nature of working in the digital era. Whether you are just starting out in business, or ready to expand to a new office and take on more staff, you’ll benefit from understanding the differences between Consumer (Home) Wi-Fi and Enterprise Wi-Fi for Businesses.


In this latest post from Cloud Edge, we’ll walk you through the differences between the two, so you can make the best choice for your business.

Connectivity and Quality

Enterprise Wi-Fi routers are designed with performance in mind, and have superior processing chips to their home-user counterparts. This isn’t to say that standard Wi-Fi routers are poorly constructed, just that they aren’t designed to handle the demands of a business. For instance, if you have 30 employees in your office and all of them are connecting to a standard Wi-Fi router through various access points, you’ll notice increasingly low network speeds due to the CPU of the router struggling to meet up with demand.

Access Points

Enterprise Wi-Fi is created specifically to support the wide deployment of access points and a high number of users – and will provide stability and coverage that is far superior to its home Wi-Fi counterpart. Enterprise Wi-Fi routers are also designed to support radio calibration, which ensures communication quality is always kept to a maximum, and the PCB antenna boards included with Enterprise Wi-Fi reduce digital noise and interference while boosting signal quality.


Enterprise Wi-Fi has strict security requirements. In most cases, an enterprise access point for Wi-Fi will support more than 16 SSIDs (Service Set Identifier) which can be provided to different users. Essentially, this means that you can isolate certain connections to improve your security-monitoring of Internet for your business.


A good example of this is to have on SSID for your employees, another SSID for any guests who may want to join your network, and another for any wireless office equipment such as printers. This way, you can limit the features or access available to individuals connected to each network, so you can ensure your employees are able to access confidential files, but guests on your Wi-Fi cannot – all within the same business network.


Want to learn more about Enterprise Wi-Fi?


At Cloud Edge, we offer a wide selection of Business Wi-Fi solutions for any setup. Our team can advise on the most suitable type of Wi-Fi and Access Point configuration to ensure you get all the Business Internet access and coverage you need, everywhere in your business. Speak to the team at Cloud Edge today to discuss your options.

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